My general modelling ramblings and some photos of aeroplanes and mates...

Friday 1 January 2010

Woolybacks and D80s

Wow what a week. Had a great comp at the Woolybacks on the Bwlch and then two days later, we received our shipment of Dynamic 80s from Joe Manor over in the USA.

The Woolybacks was great - finally got some good runs in with the Skorpion - although I only came 12th of 20, it was my highest scoring comp so far, so hopefully that means I'm doing something right!

As for the D80's - well - I don't think any of us have anticipated a model so eagerly! And my oh my, they have not disappointed - Joe Manor's aircraft are fantastic. We've had great experiences with the D40's thus far, and these D80's are just incredible. Stiff, strong, gorgeous, great paint - everything bang on. Joe's install kit goes together like a snap as well... Anyway, here's a few pics of the unpacking...

Adam get's unscrewing...

Will dives in...

I get a serious case of Glider Horn!

And here they are - mine's the yellow one...